Welcome to the Islamaphonia member Filez gallery. In the future we hope to have various files available here relating to Muslimgauze. For the time being, we'll be using this space to showcase some Muslimgauze inspired creations submitted by members of Islamaphonia.
(Tribute album art of fictional Muslimgauze releases submitted by members of Islamaphonia)
Cover art has often been a topic of discussion on the Islamaphonia list and recently the idea was proposed to showcase Muslimgauze inspired works. If you have any Muslimgauze inspired creations you'd like to have displayed here, please send us an email describing it and please indicate the approximate file size. Submissions for this section should conform to the following specifications for CD format cover art: Resolution: 72 pixels /inch or 28.346 pixels /cm, Width: 12.07 cm (4.75"), Height of 11.99 cm (4.722). Please feel free to include a short statement to accompany your work, as well as a contact email address which will be displayed with the work.
Please note that these are NOT official Muslimgauze releases nor is it the intent to infringe upon copyright, they simply represent conceptual releases as imagined by the respective artists who create them and hopefully stand up to the excellent level of aesthetic art presented on nearly all Muslimgauze releases. Please address all comments/questions to the respective artist at the email addresses provided. Enjoy!
Click on the thumbnails to view the larger image.
(Art inspired by the music of Muslimgauze submitted by members of Islamaphonia)
This is Muslimgauze inspired and Arab culture influenced art in many forms. If you are interested in sending in a submission for this section, please email the webmaster first with file size information and please do not send any files over 50k without prior notification. The first presentation featured here is a collage presented previously on the Islamaphonia list and now kept here for easy reference to the original. Stay tuned for image art from the forthcoming Muslimgauze release from the BSI Records, "Lo-fi India Abuse".
Muslimgauze Fonts
(Type faces used on Muslimgauze releases)
Mac / PC : Legende [buy this font] ( face on many Muslimgauze releases)
PC : Aladdin [download this free font] (not exactly the same font as used for muslimgauze)