Tag Archives: Compilation

Muslimgauze – “Martyr Shrapnel” [TMPS 14] OUT NOW!

Artist: Muslimgauze
Title: “Martyr Shrapnel”
Format: CD

Packaging: Arigato pack with

Catalog number: TMPS 14
Shipping date: November 2012
Quantity: 300

The Muslimgauze Preservation Society presents Martyr Shrapnel, a personalized limited CD release of 300 handnumbered copies of rare and previously unreleased Muslimgauze tracks.
Material will mainly consist of Fathom bonus 3” CDR’s Palestina Cache and Analog Zikr, along with a few surprises.
Tracks were produced from 1996 to 1998, shrapnel from various sporadic masters, hence, Martyr Shrapnel. Now is your chance to get all this fine, mostly beats and breaksdriven music with its crazy effects, gain shifts and panning in one nifty listening experience. On this release, TMPS welcomes New York Citybased Eric Kessel who brings his artistry and layout talents to the handstamped cover art, extensive liner text/imagery, CD surface art and bonus stickers. The visual theme of this release will be the ongoing tragedy in Syria. The late Bryn Jones was always current with events in the Mid East and now is no exception as he beats his drums for the opressed from beyond the grave…
First 50 orders are eligible for a limited ‘special edition’ Martyr Shrapnel with bonus papyrus inserts, handprinted in Egypt.

You can order your copy on Soleilmoon / Speaker Fire (Portland – USA) or on the Discogs Marketplace (Faculté Distribution in France / Playing by Ear in USA).